HRZZ IP-2014-09-9515


fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

[ Specifična obilježja

obitelji u riziku: doprinos planiranju

kompleksnih intervencija ]

Growing resilience: researching beyond academia

This one-day conference will be held on 16th of May 2017, a day before ERFCON 2017 conference. The preconference is organized by the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb and the project Specific characteristics of families at risk: contribution to complex interventions planning (FamResPlan), that is supported by the Croatian Science Foundation. ...

Workshop „Complex family interventions“, Zagreb, 13.-14.3.2017.

prof. Doug J. Coatsworth held two-day workshop for our project team on Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb. The topics were: planning complex interventions for families and high-risk families resilience....

24th annual conference of Croatian psychologists

During the 24th annual conference of Croatian psychologists, Opatija, 9th to 12th November 2016,  team members have presented the pilot results during the oral communication “Results of the pilot research of the families in risk: potential benefits to family health quality”. Paper was presented by Miranda Novak. Paper was a good fit with the conference ...

The 2016 EUSPR conference, Berlin, Germany , October 31st – November 2nd 2016

The main theme was “Sustainable Prevention in a Changing World” and the conference included keynotes on developing and understanding sustainable prevention systems, prevention responses to the health and social needs of populations in transition, and rapidly emerging health challenges. We assembled an exciting programme of plenary speakers who addressed: Developing evidence-based guidance on prevention for migrant populations in the ...

Project team meeting

During the meeting of the research team key constructs and research methodology was discussed. The meeting was held on the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences in Zagreb and reserach team members presented and discussed following constructs: resilience, readiness for change, life satisfaction, complex interventions, family interview and complementary research methods, as well as ethical ...